The growth process of the black water fly

 2022-03-30 13:48:17

1. Mating:  When the black water fly mates, the male first holds the female from behind in the Air, and when it falls TO the ground, the two insects become "ONe" shape to mate. The life cycle is only a few days, and the mating and laying of eggs can be completed, and each female lays nearly 1,000 eggs.微信图片_20220329172249.jpg

2. Reproduction: Black water fly spawning is not directly in food, but in the vicinity of the search for suitable gaps to spawn. A generation can be completed in 35 days. A pair of black water flies can lay nearly a thousand eggs, and from eggs to mature larvae, water fly individuals grow nearly 4,000 times. Black water fly larvae have a long history and have a significant pre-pupal period, which can ACHIEVE a long period of live storage, depending on environmental conditions, from one week to several months.

3. Feeding: The larvae of the black water fly feed on rotten organic matter in nature, which can efficiently convert food into its own nutrients and is an important part of the detritus food chain in nature. Although the adult mouthpiece of the black water fly has a certain degree of degradation, it can still eat and can be fed honey water. Adult black water fly does not eat, only need to replenish water, black water fly can choose a wide range of food types, from livestock manure, animal and plant residues, kitchen waste, to food industry waste, can be easily disposed of.