Development and status of black soldier fly food

 2022-04-02 09:41:15

        the black soldier fly is currently used as a high-protein insect for feed and fodder, which is still a food processing area. In its early years, the black soldier fly was easy TO breed artificially, was nutritious, had a high protein cONtent and had great potential for development.



        The current strategic direction of China's food industry development is to pay attention to improving the development of NUTRITIONal functions of food, with special emphasis on nutritional health functions of food. At present, the research and development and utilization of black soldier fly is still in the initial stage, especially in food application, which needs further development. In addition to consolidating the development of traditional processed products, we must also accelerate the pace of development of medicinal tonic health products by further analyzing the nutritional composition of black soldier fly in depth and clarifying its health care mechanism of action. Health care function and develop influential health care function food.

        With the awareness of health food, black sick fly food will become one of the most popular food products in the 21st century.