The growth process of dried mealworms

 2022-04-11 16:43:58

    the lifetime of dried mealworms, in this case a growth cycle, is divided inTO four stages: eggs, larvae, pupae and adults.


     Dried mealworms egg. They are milky white, very small, about 1-2 mm lONg, 0.5 mm in diameter, and oval in shape. The outside of the egg has an eggshell, which is relatively thin and acts as a protector, and the egg fluid is white milky mucus. The eggs are divided into: eggshell, nucleus, yolk, and proTOPlasm.

     Dried mealworms larvae.. Yellow and shiny, about 35 mm long and 3 mm wide, cylindrical in shape. It has thirteen segments. Each segment is joined by a yellow-brown ring. The ventral surface is yellowish.

     Dried mealworms pupae. After the larvae reach 50 days, they are about 2-3 cm long and start to pupate. The pupa has a large head and a small tail, with a basic head shape and two legs (thin wings) that press down against the thorax. The sides of the pupa are serrated and angular. The nymphs are initially white and translucent, with a soft body that gradually becomes brown and then hard.

     Dried mealworms adult. The nymphs molt into adults after a week at 25℃ or more. The adult insects just molt out as milky white, with a very thin carapace, which becomes yellowish brown, blackish brown, shiny, oval-shaped, about 14 mm long and 6 mm wide, and the carapace becomes thick and hard, which is fully mature at that time.