Black soldier flies can help convert organic waste

 2022-04-02 14:03:35

             the future of cities cannot be shaped without scientific solutiONs. The black soldier fly is a very environmentally friendly insect. The black soldier fly can eat livesTOck manure and household garbage and produce high-value animal protein feed because of its fast reproduction rate, large biomass, wide range of edible range, high absorption and conversion rate, easy management, low feeding costs, and good animal

      Black soldier fly biotransformation technology can eliminate the complicated waste pre-treatment links such as kitchen waste centrifugation, stratification, dewatering and homogenization, and convert 10 tons of kitchen waste into 2.5 tons of high-value worm protein and about 2 tons of High-quality organic fertilizer for 8-10 days to realize the recycling of organic waste, truly reduce, harmless and resourceful, and support the green development of the city.

      Black soldier fly conversion technology provides a strong development condition for the future green development of the city. Black soldier flies have not only feed value but also environmental value.