Mealworm powder

 2022-04-02 10:12:51

   Mealworm cONtain about 51% crude protein and 29% fat,as well as many carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and minerals such as phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium and calcium. the medicinal value is obvious. Mealworm have a broad market prospect and can be used as high-protein fresh feed. It is used for frogs, turtles, scorpions, centipedes, snakes, high-quality fish, ornamental birds, medicinal animals, valuable fur animals and rare livesTOck breeding, as well as some meat and valuable aquatic products.ff.png

      The protein and minerals of the dried bread fortified with mealworms were compared with those of the regular dried bread. The fortified dried bread showed a protein enrichment of up to 99.3% compared to the control dried bread. The fortified dried bread with the addition of mealworms showed a histidine enrichment of 129.1% compared to the control dried bread. Fortified dried bread showed up to 300% higher zinc content compared to control dried bread.